Anyone who tells you life is easy is
either clinically insane or wealthy, perhaps both. Challenges are a
daily occurrence, whether it's figuring out how to keep the heat, and
lights on, or trying to convince someone to listen to your mixtape.
To live is to struggle, but to thrive is to find meaning in the
struggle, and power your way through the difficult times. Once you
get through those hard times, you'll come out a much stronger person,
but therein lies the challenge. It's not gonna be fun, or immediately
rewarding, but these things must be done; your well-being depends on
On a personal note, I was recently
greeted with the difficult challenge of removing someone from my
life. This already difficult challenge was exacerbated by the fact
that I've known this person since childhood. In all honesty, I'm
often too nice. Nice to the point that I'll put up with a lot of
negativity, and annoyance for the sake of keeping the peace. The
ongoing project of becoming the best person I can be has gotten me to
my current state of head-cutting HR manager for “Myself Inc.”,
and I must admit, I like this guy; he doesn't mess around.
Once the decision was made to decrease
the amount of unwarranted negativity in my life, it didn't make the
“removal process” much easier, but I was immediately able to
breathe a little easier. I can attest that a toxic friendship is
similar to having a weight chained to you. It slows your progress,
and just generally makes things a lot more difficult than necessary.
Hopefully, none of you ever have to deal with something like that,
but as the old saying goes, “shit happens”, and you might as well
be on standby with a rubber suit to keep the muck off of you once it
starts flying.
First, you have to determine if your
friendship (or whatever the degree of your relationship) is truly a
toxic one. The good news is, once you become honest with yourself
about your feelings, it's not very hard to identify who in your life
is holding you back. The bad news is, it's not easy to reach that
level of self-awareness, and refuse to make excuses for people that
once were important to you in some way or another. Once you find
yourself saying things like “that's just the way they are” that
should be your first red flag.
It's one thing to crack jokes about
your friends, most people do this, and it's usually all in good fun.
Most people have a shared experience with someone in which something
wound up going comically bad, and there's nothing wrong with
revisiting that moment for a laugh, just don't be a dick about it. If
you know someone who consistently brings up your shortcomings at the
worst possible times, and refuses to cease doing so when you mention
that it's not funny anymore, you've got a bad friend. After all, what
part of friendship involves belittling each other? That would be a
very bizarre, sadomasochistic friendship indeed.
It's natural for people to grow apart,
and there's nothing wrong with it; it's all a part of growing up, and
improving as a person. I found myself having to defend almost all my
decisions, and was expected to drop everything I was doing in order
to listen to this person complain about their life for hours on end.
A life they chose for themselves, but were dissatisfied with
nonetheless. Any advice was ignored, and any time I tried to mention
something positive, it was always written off and downplayed as
unimportant. The tricky part is, their insults were always setup as
“a joke” so any time I'd call them out on it, they could just say
they were kidding.
This went on for years, and I was
always the one in the wrong, no matter what. Any time I stood up for
myself, I was always made to look hypersensitive; after all, they
were just “joking”. Funny how the joke never changed once over
the course of about ten years. That's right folks, it took me ten
years to realize I had a bad friend, or at least it took that long to
admit to myself that I had one. In hindsight, I should have started
my “journey of self-discovery” ages ago, but better late than
Once you determine you have a bad
friend in your life, then you get to deal with the removal process,
and it kinda sucks to be honest. Here's how it went down for me: I
was at a show trying my best to be sociable, and in short, get some
work done for this website. I was actually feeling pretty good
without very much chemical assistance at all. This person texts me,
asking what I'm doing, so I tell them, exhibiting an obvious good
mood. Then came the played-out “jokes”, the same ones I've been
hearing since 2003, so I ignored them at first.
More texts came in, and almost as if on
cue, there was a snide mention of my lack of money. This is an issue
that I've been very vocal about being a sensitive topic for me, but
they mentioned it anyway. So, here I am at a bar on a Saturday night,
already getting in because of someone else's kindness, and here's
someone “poking the bear”. Well, the bear finally decided that he
was done with being poked. I proceed to spill my guts about how all
these “jokes” consistently ruin my somewhat rare good moods, and
the only response I get is this person turning it all around on me.
Blaming me for being “too sensitive”, and talking about how they
should just never talk to me again. Emotional blackmail is another
tell-tale sign of a bad friend.
Then I had a real breakthrough, it was
truly a momentous occasion in my efforts to be the best version of
myself possible. I was sitting on a bench, fighting off an
increasingly terrible mood, and finally, I won. I stood up, said to
myself “fuck that shit”, and went on to record a great interview
with people I had never even met before that moment. Once I was done,
I got back in touch with this person, and finished going off on them;
they desperately needed it, and so did I. I kept it civil, but was
clear in my anger, and inability to stand for these insults any
longer. My words went in one ear, and out the other, just like they
had every time before; it was clear at this point that I had a bad
It was in this moment that I no longer
cared if I ever spoke to this person again. I stopped making excuses
for them, and started showing myself far more respect than I ever had
before; it was clear that this so-called friendship was not enriching
my life. I've removed several people from my life over the years, but
this one was the hardest, yet the most rewarding. It's easy to stay
away from people who have crazy girlfriends that damage your car, or
avoid people who always borrow your stuff, but never return it.
What's truly difficult is recognizing hostility disguised as humor,
especially when it comes from someone who even your own parents
consider to be family.
I woke up the next day with zero
regrets, completely confident that I did the right thing. Life is far
too short to deal with people who do not enrich your life. You have
to know yourself, and respect yourself enough to make necessary
changes in your life. It might be leaving a soul-sucking job, or
cutting off dead-weight friends, but I can tell you from experience
that once you do these things, you'll be well on your way to being
the best version of you possible.
You owe it to yourself to make the life
that you want, anyone standing in your way must be dealt with
accordingly. Friends will listen to you, and show support in any way
they can; they don't consistently insult you. Friends will meet you
halfway, they won't insist that you drop everything for their
convenience. Everyone needs to vent every once in a while, and
there's nothing wrong with providing an audience for a friend who's
having a hard time. After all, listening is part of being a good
friend, but you don't have an obligation to be someone's complaint
It's one thing to be there for someone when they have a
bad day, but when all of their days are bad, maybe it's not the days
themselves that are the problem. Learn from my mistake, step up to the challenge of removing dead weight from your life before you find that you let it drain your spirit for far too long. Never let anyone make you feel like
you're “less than”, and recognize those feelings in yourself if
they come up. Don't waste any time dealing with anyone or anything
that isn't helping you be the best you can be, but truthfully,
sometimes the most painful lessons are the most valuable.
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