Another week is upon us, and here I am
once again typing a bunch of words that may or may not make any
difference to anyone at all. In spite of the fact that sometimes
people say that I write nice things, I still have insecurity, and
most of us struggle with that from time to time, no matter our field.
“It's natural”, they say, but I wonder if that's really true. I
know people that make great food, but still apologize for it when it
comes out of the oven. I know great musicians who feel that their art
doesn't matter. People who have been made to believe they're not as
good as others, and are sadly mistaken. It doesn't seem natural, it seems like something that has been learned.
It's all pretty sad if you think about
it too long, so I try not to; I just try to spread some positivity or
maybe offer a little perspective. Honestly, I'm not too confident in
my abilities to do those things either. How am I supposed to spread
positivity when I so often feel like humanity is a lost cause? I have
no idea, but I try anyway. My perspective is usually “it can always
be worse”, but that's not exactly a happy sound-bite for people to
latch onto, so maybe it does no good. They say insanity is doing the
same thing over and over while expecting different results, but
“they” say a lot of things, and most of them are lies. I don't
know who or what to believe, so I just try to believe in myself, and all these good people I try to surround myself with.
I once read some advice regarding how
to get the most out of your day, and remain positive through it all.
They said, “wake up, and smile, even if you have to force it”. I
thought that was the dumbest thing I'd ever heard, or at least the
dumbest thing I'd heard that day. Nevertheless, I tried it because
I'm open to new things, and figured it was worth a shot. It felt
terrible having the first thing I thought about in the morning being
the fact that I don't smile easily. Good advice isn't “one size
fits all”, but rarely do people include that little disclaimer.
Forcing a smile first thing in the
morning made me wonder if there was something wrong with me. All my life
I've had people tell me I look mad, or that I should cheer up. Let me
tell you something about telling people things like that: it doesn't
work. More often than not, it creates the opposite of the desired
effect; good intentions are fine, but you've got to pick your
battles. “Fake it till you make it” they said, and once again I
found myself thinking “they” are among the dumbest, most
out-of-touch people on Earth. Kinda like politicians, now that I
think about it.
Did “they” build pyramids or were
they the ones standing off to the side telling everyone else how they
think it should be done? Maybe they stood there saying, “well, when
I was working for the other Pharaoh...” while everyone else rolled
their eyes, silently praying for a divine spark to scorch the
insufferable imbecile. Did “they” ever find any cures for
diseases, or were they too busy telling the sick “fake it till you
make it” or “just try harder”? I wonder if these are the same
people who ask you “where did you have it last?” when you lose
Humans are considered social creatures,
in spite of hating each other for the most part, and the absurdity of
that makes me laugh. Sometimes you just have to laugh, but the utter
ridiculousness of our day-to-day lives are enough to drive anyone to
the brink. “It's natural to feel that way sometimes”, they say,
but maybe it's just part of our conditioning. A downtrodden populace
is much easier to control than a world of confident people, sure that
they're capable of changing the world. Don't jump up and say
“conspiracy theory” to that idea either. Tell me that's not
plausible when nearly every bit of mainstream media you consume does
little more than instill fear, and insecurity.
Most of us wake up, force ourselves to
eat something, and rush out the door, already feeling frazzled before
we've started our day. We go to a place full of people we don't
really like, to work on things we don't really care about, for an
unfair wage. This wage is used to pay just enough of our bills to
keep us from accumulating so much debt that our wages are taken from
us before we ever see them. That, of course, is only the beginning.
You're controlled from birth to death, you're viewed as a stock, not
a person. In short, this is madness, so it's no wonder we're all mad.
I don't know what to do anymore. I want
to tell you to be nice to each other, and lend a hand whenever you
can, but how many times has this been said in our lives? Aren't I
“preaching to the choir” at this point? It hasn't sank in yet for
the general public, so how am I supposed to think that mentioning it
for the billionth time will suddenly make it set in? As if people are
gonna snap out of it, and stop being assholes just because they read
it on a blog they thought was all about making fun of bands or
whatever. Who am I to tell you about life when I don't have it even
remotely figured out for myself? Hey, at least I'm not trying to sell
you anything.
I'm not saying that I'm giving up hope,
but I am saying that I'm tired of being consistently disappointed. We
could be so much more caring, but we'd rather be dishonest, and
greedy. We could live as titans in a land of plenty, but we'd rather
screw each other out of money. We love to belittle, and fight with
each other. We scream “Worldstar” or chant “Jerry” while
someone films it instead of recognizing the problem, and fixing it.
Life isn't a game, but if it were, we'd definitely be losing.
Meanwhile, there is a small group of people laughing at us all the
way to the bank.
It's a damn shame, and I don't want any
part of it. I want a revolt, preferably non-violent, but you know how
that tends to work out. I'm not gonna rebel by burning down
buildings, hacking websites or holding a sign in the street. I'm
gonna rebel by not taking part in all this frivolity, and hatred. I
want to make an honest effort to be kind, even to strangers on the
Internet. Even when I'm having a hard time, and don't want to get out
of bed. Even when I feel deep down that it doesn't matter, I'm gonna
keep trying; if nothing else, because I'm pissed off, and
hard-headed. As difficult as it gets, I've got to keep trying, we all
do. I know things are terrible, but that doesn't mean I have to
contribute to the problem, and neither do you.
This year has been exceptionally brutal
for a lot of us, and there's no telling what the future will bring,
but it doesn't have to bring more of the same. Through all these
years, “they” have wound up saying at least one thing that rings
true: “Put enough monkeys in a room with enough typewriters, and
they'll eventually write Hamlet”. While that may be true, a more
positive thought is: “Be the change that you want to see”, it's a
phrase that has been on my mind almost all year. I will move forward
with this thought in mind, but not just for myself, for everyone I
meet. It's so hard to find the silver lining in a sky that often
appears to be dark, but we've got to keep looking. We've got to keep
pounding on the keys, and eventually, we'll do our best work yet.
I'm right there with you man. All we can do is pick our battles and try to live as positive examples of humans to the best of our ability.
ReplyDeleteDamn, this is a great little article, rant or whatever you want to call it. I appreciate the words, made me think about some great perspectives I haven't really sought to explore prior. "We've got to keep pounding on the keys, and eventually, we'll do our best work yet." What a great way to end.
ReplyDeleteThanks! And I think this definitely qualifies as a rant. haha Glad you enjoyed it!