We're really not that smart. We have so
much potential, but we're also easily manipulated. A common cliché
is that we can't see the forest because there are too many trees in
the way. It's downright depressing to think about, but I can't help
feeling this way, and I'm presented with little evidence to the
There was a famous phrase coined in 1992, “Can we all get along?” and of course, it was changed a bit before it made the rounds
on comedy shows, and in movies. Eventually, it became a joke in the public lexicon; nothing more than a pop culture reference. However, the validity of this statement has never seemed more true.
Honestly, why CAN'T we all just get along? Why do we seem compelled
to argue over every little thing, and can somehow never seem to see
eye to eye?
Think about the last time you went to a
restaurant. How did everyone act towards the staff? Perhaps you have
a relative that likes to complain about their food in order to get a
discount, regardless of whether or not the service, or food, was bad.
Sure, everyone likes to save a dollar, but why would you purposely be
difficult just to do so? That's dishonest, unjustly vindictive, and
just plain wrong.
Now, I want you to think about your
boss. Do they have a person on the payroll that seems to be their
“favorite”? Do they listen when you have legitimate complaints?
Do you ever wonder why such a small amount of power goes to someone's
head? I do, and frankly, it pisses me off to no end. As much as I
like to think that I'm inching towards enlightenment, deep down I'm
still just as angry as I was when I was sixteen. I caught grief from
everyone I knew, all day, every day; perhaps you can relate.
Some of you may think that surely I
must have done something to receive flack from others, but I assure
you, I've always kept to myself. Any time I started speaking up,
maybe acting like I was something I wasn't, the universe (or
something) would slap me right in the face, and tell me to shut up.
Some call it “karma”, but in my family it is known as “The
(insert last name here) Rule”. It is remarkably similar to
“Murphy's Law”, but a little more ironic.
For those of you that have never met
me, I'm fat, and always have been. Even as a small child, I was a fat
kid, but I was a happy fat kid. That is until I started being around
other kids, and learned that a lot of people hate fat people.
Truthfully, the word “hate” is used by some people in this
regard, and this is just for being a different size! Some people
apparently think that humanity has to be rolled out on a conveyor
belt for their approval upon entering the world.
Some people think that being bigger
than others should have given me the strength to shrug off this
negativity. In their eyes, I could have physically beat down my
critics when it felt necessary, but I was never one to do such
things. It never felt right; it may have been justified, but it never
felt just. Even when a kid pulled a gun out on me in seventh grade, I
never kicked his ass when he put it away. I did at least have the
courage to yell at him to “get out of my face”, and he did, but
honestly, I probably should have curb-stomped that little bastard.
That short story sounds way more
dramatic than it actually was, the whole ordeal lasted maybe 20
seconds; it's nothing compared to what some people deal with on a
daily basis. I've never been pulled over for driving in “the wrong
neighborhood”, never been followed through a store, and never got
turned down for a job based on my skin color. Sure, I've been denied
job applications because I wasn't recognized as the type of person
who would live in a gated community, but they never even considered
calling the police or having security escort me off the premises.
So again I ask, why can't we just get
along? It's truly perplexing, and I'd love to know the answer. I'm a
musician, and (what passes as) a journalist, so I meet lots of
different people, and sometimes friendships develop. I'd love to be
able to have any one of my friends stop by for a visit without our
old, rich landlords riding by, checking everyone out. “Yes, I am
sitting in my backyard with friends, some of which are a different
hue than I, there is nothing to see here.” Thankfully, nothing has
ever escalated beyond a quick drive through our yard, but it still
feels dirty.
We, as humans, argue over the most
asinine, petty nonsense. We look down on others who work service
jobs, or look a little different. Some of us even refuse to
acknowledge that there are people out there who have disparaging
views towards people who are different than them. It's madness; pure,
simple, and at times, utterly terrifying.
I worry that one day I'll see a
headline featuring a friend who was killed by someone who is legally
allowed to do so without consequence. I worry I'll look out my window
one day, and see a young man lying dead in the street, with the
smoking gun bathed in blue light. I've seen the hurt in the eyes of
gay friends who heard a “joke” about their sexuality. What's
perhaps even worse, I've seen their lack of shock upon hearing these
things. I have friends who are talked down to by supervisors, and
denied fair treatment because they just aren't valued as human
beings, and it's just wrong. Honestly, I want to know why we can't
just get along with one another.
Yes, we've made great achievements in
science. We have amazing technology that was once just the stuff of
science-fiction novels. We know more about space, and the beginnings
of our existence as creatures on this planet than we ever have
before, but here we are, seemingly unable to get past skin color, and
sexuality. Sometimes I wonder if there are humanoid beings on a
different planet, millions of light-years away, who study us as a
reminder of what not to do.
“All this potential, squandered,
because they can't get past their trivial differences.” the teacher
says, her coal-black eyes appear to shine in the light of several
suns. A student speaks up, “Will the Earthlings ever realize that
they are all made of the exact same materials, and mostly desire the
same things? Things like peace, and happiness for themselves, and
their loved ones?” The teacher pauses, staring out the window onto
a vast landscape of rich soil, and abundant crops. “We may never
know, we had to stop directly observing them for fear that they would
discover us. You know how they treat their own kind, imagine what
they would have done to us.”
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